10 Employee Safety Items to be Aware of During Covid-19
Dear Fellow Elevator Personnel,
The recent Covid-19 pandemic has created a multitude of uncertainty, confusion, and stress for Elevator Personnel. Often overlooked in the eye of the public, you too are essential and in many cases first responders or, even more important, “preventive first responders”. Maintenance personnel must visit multiple elevators and encounter many people just to do a proactive elevator maintenance so that equipment always operates at optimum performance. This is not easy in normal conditions and especially challenging in these times. We want to share some insights and opinions that you should consider regarding your personal safety and protection during the COVID-19 active pandemic.
Although we are not medical experts, we have compiled several items and suggestive methods for consideration as a COVID-19 Employee Safety Plan:
Behavioral Change & Mannerisms
Throughout our lives we make suggestive gestures and movements which become subconscious habits. These habits become an issue during a pandemic such as COVID-19. Simply biting your fingernails, rubbing your eyes, touching your face, mouth, spitting, etc. can all spread and infect yourself and others. Behavioral change is difficult but is required, and constant reminders “not” to do these habits must be apparent. Please make yourself aware of such habits and refrain from them. Also, remind other of this as well.
Washing Hands
The key to success is washing your hands constantly, there is NO shortage of soap and water. This virus is easily defeated with soap and water. We cannot stress enough to wash constantly; medical experts recommend washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. It takes approximately 20 seconds to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Do not eat, drink or smoke without washing your hands first.
Purell and hand sanitizers
Works well in cases where soap and water is not present. These items are good but do not take the place of washing with soap and water. We recommend washing with soap and water in conjunction with using hand sanitizers. Because of the possibility that non- automatic, public dispensers may have come into contact with the virus, you may want to consider carrying tour own soap, water, and sanitizer. A product like “Scrubs in a Bucket” may be a suitable substitute when water is not available and used in conjunction with sanitizers.
Only in certain critical situations are latex gloves considered good. If wearing gloves, they should constantly be changed. If you do have a glove on and come in contact with COVID- 19, it will spread just as fast from place to place. Therefore, gloves should be changed constantly and properly disposed. Washing hands with soap and water before and after using gloves is highly recommended.
N95 masks are the recommended choice per the CDC, but in demand for medical providers. The use of masks will cause you to constantly put your hands to your face, it takes extreme discipline not to constantly readjust, thereby placing your hands on your face. We feel if you have tested positive for COVID-19, a mask is necessary to help stop the spread of the virus; however, you should not report to work until you are cleared by your doctor. Face masks, scarves, and other material when you are not infected may help prevent the virus from entering your body through the nose and mouth area but, again, you touch your face randomly more often when wearing a mask which in turn may bring the virus more in contact with you. We do not recommend wearing a mask if you are not infected, we acknowledge that some are now recommending them, but we feel it may cause a bigger risk to cause infection, as previously stated. Note: If you remove the rubber bands you can place a mask (NON N95 OR WITH ANY RUBBER PRODUCTS) in a microwave for 2 minutes to disinfect.
Full Face Shield
A full-face shield is the best solution as it is made of a solid surface, stops you from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and will block any droplets of the virus being sprayed from a sneeze or cough. You can clean the face shield with a mild disinfectant.
Safety Glasses or Goggles
Approved safety glasses and goggles can help prevent COVID-19 from entering the eyes if worn correctly. While we recommend a full-face shield, in cases where you do not have one, please wear safety glasses or goggles. Please note goggles and glasses should be washed before and after use with a proper cleaning agent such as soap & water or cleaner.
Removing your shoes outside of your house when arriving is highly important. The COVID-19 virus can be transported on the top and bottom of your shoes, then brought into your place of residence where pets and children can easily come in contact and spread the virus.
Remove clothing immediately upon entering your place of residence, place them in a bag to take to the washer and wash them immediately.
Spray Bottles
We recommend 2 ounces of bleach mixed into 1 quart of water be added to a spray bottle. This can be used for spraying down tools, job boxes, areas you are working in. This formula will kill the virus and help protect you. Bleach can be hazardous if inhaled so please be aware. See full SDS sheet for bleach before and while using. For Medical Emergencies regarding bleach, call: 1-800-446-1014.
To everyone in the elevator industry, we say thank you. We will get through this together, just 6 feet apart! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Champion Elevator today.