File an Affirmation of Correction to Avoid Elevator Violation Fines
Regular elevator testing and inspection are critical, not just for ensuring that your elevators are all up to code but also for providing confidence that all visitors to your building can safely and conveniently use your elevators. Failing to have your elevators tested can result in hefty fines and potential safety threats. In addition to fulfilling testing requirements, it’s imperative that a regular maintenance schedule is upheld, and that any elevator violations discovered during tests and inspections are resolved promptly.
In order to avoid elevator violation fines, you will need to quickly and correctly file an Affirmation of Correction with the Department of Buildings. Here is some critical information to demystify the process and help you ensure your elevators are up to code and safe for all passengers!
Resolve the Issue
If an elevator defect or violation is detected during an inspection, it doesn’t mean you will be immediately fined. In the event that a defect is found, you have 120 days from the date of the inspection to correct the defect or violation and avoid an associated fine.
Once you have been alerted of a defect or violation, have a professional elevator technician correct the issue with the affected elevators. This maintenance must take place within 120 days of being informed of the violation.
File the Affirmation of Correction
Once the defect or violation has been resolved, you then have another 60 days to file an Affirmation of Correction. You will need to fill out the NYC Department of Buildings ELV29: Elevator Affirmation of Correction form, which you can find here. Note that a notary public must sign the form, so plan ahead to ensure you have enough time to thoroughly and correctly complete the form in the allotted 60 days.
Failure to File
If you do not file an Affirmation of Correction within 60 days of the correction, it will be considered a major violation. The failure to file an Affirmation of Correction (violation ACC1) will result in a fine of $3,000 per non-compliant device—this is in addition to fines associated with the defects or violations of the elevators. This means each elevator in your building found to be defective or non-compliant in the initial inspection will accrue an additional fine of $3,000 if the Affirmation of Correction is not filed within 60 days of the corrective maintenance. While the fine is steep, it is easily avoidable.
Routine elevator maintenance, tests, and inspections are critical for maintaining efficient and safe vertical transportation for all employees, clients, customers, and other visitors to your business or property. If any of your elevators are found to have defects or violations, you have 120 days to have the issues corrected, and another 60 days to file the Affirmation of Correction form with the Department of Buildings.
Avoid Elevator Violation Fines by Trusting Champion Elevator
To have your elevators tested, inspected, or maintained by experienced elevator technicians, or for more assistance on the Affirmation of Correction filing process, contact Champion Elevator today!